A backup camera allows drivers a viewpoint that is otherwise unattainable. It allows you to see behind the car’s rear bumper, ensuring you don’t back up and hit a child or small object because of a blind spot. If your car isn’t equipped with a backup camera, don’t worry — you can add an aftermarket one. When you see what a this type of camera provides in terms of safety, it’s a smart, economical investment that might save a life.
Prevent Injuries and Fatalities
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced in 2014 that all vehicles weighing under 10,000 pounds and manufactured after May 2018 must come equipped with a standard backup camera system. Each year, 15,000 people are injured and 210 die as a result of “back-over” accidents.
It’s a given — if more cars had backup cameras, these numbers would drop. By installing one, you’re helping to increase the safety of adults and children, strangers and members of your own family. You will be doing your part to decrease the number of injuries and fatalities caused by accidents that could be avoided by using affordable, accessible technology.
Guard Against Accidents
It’s not just people you could hit while backing up — you also could hit guardrails, curbs and other cars. With increased visibility, you’re less likely to be involved in an accident that could incur major property or vehicle damage, and avoiding an insurance claim will save money.
Have Confidence While Towing
If you frequently tow a camper or boat, you know how difficult it is to back up into parking spots or navigate down a boat launch. With a backup camera, you have a second set of eyes to guide your cargo into position. This decreases stress and reduces a risk of collision.
Consider the Value
If you someday would like to re-sell your vehicle, a backup camera will only add to its overall value. While you may not recoup the entire cost of a camera system, it will make your vehicle more attractive to potential buyers. Everyone is interested in the safety benefits and other advantages that go along with owning a car with one a backup camera installed.
Which Option Is Right for You?
If your car already has a screen installed in the dashboard, you may only need the camera component added. You also can buy an all-in-one system that has both a camera and a display screen. Depending on your type of car, you could have the system hardwired or you could order a product that uses wireless signals to transmit the picture to the display screen.
Get more information from Laketown Speed and Sound about the types of backup camera systems that may work for your car based on its make and model by calling today for a free consultation.