Understanding Car Window Tint Color and Shade, Part 2
In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on the difference between window tint color and shade percentage. The former refers to the actual hue of the tint, while the latter speaks to how dark it will be and how much UV light will be allowed in.At Laketown Speed
Understanding Car Window Tint Color and Shade, Part 1
For those who are looking into tinting their car windows, there will be a few major aesthetic decisions to think about moving forward. Two of the most important, which are related but not the same – though often confused – are window tint color and window tint shade.At Laketown Speed and So
Identifying and Managing Car Audio Problems, Part 2
In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basic issues that may take place in your car audio system and how to remedy them. Whether due to a stock system that’s wearing down or an aftermarket upgrade from another company that wasn’t done too well, there are a few such issues t
Identifying and Managing Car Audio Problems, Part 1
No one wants to deal with problems or malfunctions in any area of their vehicle, and car audio components are no exception. Not only can issues with the car stereo and various audio fixtures be frustrating and annoying, they can also be hazardous and detract from vehicle value in many cases.At
Superiority of Aftermarket Car Audio Upgrades, Part 2
In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the specific advantages held by aftermarket car sound system components compared to the stock options generally present in vehicles. While newer vehicles on today’s market certainly do have better audio capabilities than they would ha