Car security is a technological industry that’s constantly evolving. Car alarms operate much differently than they did 10 and even five years ago. If you’ve been making updates to your car but you haven’t touched your alarm system, your vehicle may not be adequately protected.
Is Vehicle Theft Still a Problem?
In 2015, almost three-quarters of a million vehicles were stolen in the U.S. and 42 percent of those were never recovered. The good news? Utah isn’t in the top 10 states most affected by this type of crime. Still, since a vehicle is stolen every 45 seconds, it’s a good idea to take this threat seriously.
While vehicle theft has been on the decline over the past few decades, it’s partly due to upgraded vehicle security systems. If you don’t have one, your car could be at risk, especially if it’s a Honda Accord or Civic, Chevrolet Silverado, Toyota Camry or Ford F-150, the top five stolen vehicles (as of 2015.)
A Modern System Does the Obvious, And Then Some
Car security systems don’t just blare loudly when someone overrides the door lock. Modern car security involves sending you a text when someone breaks a window, tries to steal a tire or even starts jacking up the car.
A variety of sensors throughout the vehicle help determine the extent of the threat and whether the alarm system should contact law enforcement. Some systems even have a starter-kill option that allows you to shut off the engine remotely.
From pressure and tilt sensors to shock and motion sensors, your car alarm does a lot more than make noise. It’s a 24/7 monitoring system that keeps you apprised of the security of your vehicle, one of your biggest investments.
Get a Break on Your Insurance
Beyond the obvious — protecting your car from break-ins and theft — a car alarm is a major plus for financial reasons. You can get a significant discount on insurance when you upgrade your car’s defenses. Talk to your agent and see how it will pay off for your policy.
With a Vehicle Security System, You’re as Protected as Possible
You can never fully prepare for the unexpected or completely protect your vehicle from harm, but a car security system is a good place to start. Don’t let a lack of preparation lead to a major loss or serious damage. Keep your car, SUV or truck safe — call Laketown Speed and Sound today to get your free quote for a modern vehicle security system.