If you enjoy music as much as you enjoy off-road adventures, installing an audio system in your Polaris RZR is the thing to do.
This task does not come without its challenges, however, as the conditions and terrain you expose your side-by-side sport vehicle to take their toll on sensitive electronics.
If you want a sound system that will provide outstanding quality and the durability to handle hours on the trail, you’ll have to select components that are specially designed and manufactured for this purpose.
Having a car audio expert to help you with the selection and installation of your RZR sound system is the best way to ensure you get the results you seek.

RZR Sound Systems That Stand Up to the Off-Roading Experience
The first challenge that you’ll face when adding a sound system to any brand or model of ATV, UTV or powersport side-by-side is durability. Components have to be sealed in such a way that they keep out any dust or moisture, either of which will rapidly cause the failure of any given component.
Space is also at a premium in your RZR. That means that all components must be compact enough to mount without compromising the integrity or safety of the vehicle. Wiring connections have to endure continuous vibration along with the bumping and thumping that comes with the territory.
The last issue we have to deal with in sport vehicle sound systems is power. You’re working off of a limited power supply, so you can’t expect normal car audio components to work in this application. This means that all the system’s components must have maximum efficiency.
Options for Your Polaris RZR Audio System
You’ll want to start with a console head unit, so you have all the controls at your fingertips while you’re on the trail – no looking away from the path to mess with your radio. And, of course, you’ll need some good, solid speakers (or a soundbar) that can crank with fidelity, to overcome the noise you’re making – and that means you’ll need an amplifier too.
Now we get to the fun stuff.
If you want to really thump out there, you’ll want a good subwoofer. If you want to stream music from your smartphone or another electronic device, you will need Bluetooth integration.
Depending on your vehicle, you can even choose an overhead sound system or one of our favorites: the RZR sound roof. You’ll be the envy of everyone on the trail when you roll out with one of those, cranking your favorite tunes up to 11.
RZR Audio System & Speaker Installation
If you spend a little time on the internet, you’ll see a lot of DIY RZR stereo system installation videos and blogs. But, before you attempt to install any aftermarket gear in your side-by-side, think about the conditions that equipment will have to endure on the trail.
ATV and UTV sound systems require specialized tools and knowledge, to achieve the level of secure mounting and connections you need.
Laketown Speed and Sound in Draper, Utah, knows the side-by-side audio market extremely well. In fact, most of us have had our RZRs tricked out right here ourselves. We have full fabrication capability, so you know we will install your components right – and they’ll look perfect as well.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment to discuss adding a sound system for your RZR side-by-side, ATV, UTV or other powersport vehicles.