For any parent with children of varying ages, child car safety is a vital consideration. And while the top items mentioned here are typically seatbelts and other protective elements like car seats and booster seats, there’s another area here some parents don’t consider in this realm: Window tint.
At Laketown Speed and Sound, we’re here to offer robust window tinting services for a variety of clients, from those installing them primarily for aesthetic and style reasons to those with safety and vehicle protection themes top of mind. This two-part blog series will go over the various important areas where window tint provides basic protection for children within a vehicle.

Issues With Window Shading
As you’ll see in our subsequent sections, a primary area of protection offered to children by window tint is heat and temperature reduction. We’re often asked whether a window shade might serve as a similar item to window tint – the answer is no, and there are a couple reasons why.
For starters, these options simply don’t provide the same quality of protection as window tint film. For another, they are not custom-designed and are often either too small or too large for a given window, meaning they don’t block all the heat and they also must be installed and removed regularly, which can be a big hassle. For true protection in this area, window tinting is the way to go.
Now on to some of the child safety and protection benefits offered by window tint.
Seats and Heat
For those who own vehicles with leather interiors especially, seats can become quite hot when the car has been sitting in the sun for some time. And for children who have graduated from the car seat and are old enough to be sitting on the actual seat material, this heat risks burns among children who often won’t be prepared for this added heat on their seat.
Child skin is more sensitive than adult skin, as well, making this a heightened risk. Luckily, window tint reflects the sun’s rays and significantly reduces the amount of heat that makes its way inside the car and onto seats, limiting this risk.
UV Ray Protection
In addition, window tint protects you and your children from both UVA and UVB rays – the former, especially, are often not blocked by typical car windows. UVA rays can penetrate the skin deeply and increase both aging and cancer risks down the line. However, a window tint blocks 99% of these rays, giving you an early jump on keeping your child safe from not only the UVB rays that cause sunburn, but also other harmful rays your car’s glass isn’t protecting them from.
For more on how window tint helps protect your child in the car, or to learn about any of our window tint, car audio or other automotive upgrades, speak to the staff at Laketown Speed and Sound today.