No one wants to deal with problems or malfunctions in any area of their vehicle, and car audio components are no exception. Not only can issues with the car stereo and various audio fixtures be frustrating and annoying, they can also be hazardous and detract from vehicle value in many cases.
At Laketown Speed and Sound, we’re here to help. We offer a huge range of upgraded car audio installation services, ranging from car stereos and subwoofers to advanced head units and pristine sound quality themes. What are some of the common issues with car audio that our sound professionals will help you solve, either for a stock audio system or a previous upgrade that wasn’t installed well? This two-part blog will dig into everything you need to know here, including how to remedy such concerns if you’re comfortable (you can always call our pros if you aren’t).

Overheating Risks
We mentioned hazards above, and we wanted to start with one issue that fits in this category and should be prevented against. Usually due to speaker systems that have not been wired properly, such as cases where wires are combined when they should be running in their own separate areas, overheating poses fire and related risks.
This is especially true if there are flammable liquids nearby, which is often the case in vehicles. If you ever see any smoke or other signs of overheating in your stereo, stop driving immediately and, if you’re comfortable doing so, check your wiring to ensure each wire runs separately. If you prefer to bring this to our pros, we’re happy to take a look.
Blown Radio Fuse
Other audio issues in the vehicle will trace back to the radio itself, and the most common such concern is when a fuse has blown in the main fuse panel box or behind the radio (for aftermarket installations). Luckily, fuses are pretty cheap compared to most other audio components, and they can be easily replaced, either by a handy vehicle owner or by our automotive professionals.
Head Unit Problems
Another possible issue with the radio that might show up in a few different ways is a problem with the head unit. Head units that are struggling to show a display while the vehicle is having sound issues will generally signal a problem with power, which might require an upgrade. On the flip side, if your display is only turning off during bumps or certain driving conditions, this means a connector is loose on the back of the unit and needs to be tightened. Finally, it’s possible your head unit is simply malfunctioning or the radio itself has worn down and requires replacement.
For more on possible car audio issues and how to deal with them, or to learn about any of our car stereos, window tinting or other automotive services, speak to the staff at Laketown Speed and Sound today.