Even though window tinting is usually considered a cosmetic update, the professionals at Laketown Speed and Sound know there are many additional benefits car owners can enjoy when they opt for custom window tint. Depending on the vehicle, the project only takes a few hours, but the advantages last for years and pay off with tangible value.
Get Privacy and Protection in Salt Lake City
First off, many car owners love the increased privacy they enjoy after window tinting. You don’t have to worry about parking your car and leaving valuables in plain sight. No passerby can see inside. This decreases your risk of a vehicle break-in and protects your belongings.
Stay Safe in an Accident
Window tinting goes a few steps further – it helps keep you safe in an accident. The film used in window tinting helps keep glass intact upon high impact. A shattered window that could otherwise inflict serious harm will be held intact, reducing the risk of injury to you and your passengers.
Tinted windows might help prevent accidents from occurring in the first place. Cutting down glare can increase visibility, making you a safer driver and lowering your overall reaction time when there is an object, pedestrian or stopped vehicle in your path.
Safety on the roadway is important, but so is your health. You can avoid a “trucker’s tan” and prevent excessive UV-ray exposure when you let our team install window tint. Reduce your risk of skin cancer and help prevent premature aging of your skin.
Stay Cool, Preserve Your Car’s Value and Save Money
Window tinting blocks UV-rays from heating up the cabin of your vehicle. When you step inside on a hot day, you won’t need to crank the A/C like you normally would. Window tinting has the capability to reduce summer heat gain by up to 60 percent. You’ll get better fuel efficiency and visit the gas station less often. Tinted windows pay you back at the pump.
UV-ray protection is also good for your car’s interior. You can prevent the upholstery from fading and keep that new car look for years to come. This translates to a higher resale value when it’s time to upgrade your ride, not to mention the desirability of tinted windows will help you sell your car faster.
We Deliver High-Quality Window Tinting
We only carry top-tier products and we give your vehicle our focus and attention. This results in long-lasting, high-quality window tint results that are difficult or impossible to achieve without training and experience. We ensure your vehicle is in compliance with local law and we warranty our work. You can trust Laketown Speed and Sound in Draper, Utah for proficient window tinting services at an affordable price in the greater Salt Lake City area.